Washington DC - Nonostante le rivelazioni della settimana scorsa a proposito del fatto che l'Idraulico Joe, divenuto il simbolo della campagna anti-tasse di John McCain, non avesse la licenza per operare da idraulico e tendesse all'evasione, il candidato repubblicano alla Casa Bianca non molla l'osso e non abbandona il suo piu' recente eroe.
La squadra McCain/Palin ha appena inviato una e-mail ai propri sostenitori per annunciare l'organizzazione di un concorso video dal titolo: In che modo sei anche tu Joe l'idraulico? Gli elettori repubblicani sono invitati a girare un video di 30 secondi per raccontare come anche loro si sentano un po' come Joe, in sostanza l'americano medio preoccupato dalla svolta socialista che l'elezione di Barack Obama alla Presidenza comporterebbe.
Questo il testo integrale della e-mail repubblicana. Il vincitore del concorso avra' l'onore di diventare uno spot televisivo ufficiale.
How are you "Joe the Plumber"?
Tell us in 30 seconds...
We want you to tell us how you are "Joe the Plumber" and why you're supporting John McCain and Sarah Palin in thirty seconds. You could even see your video as an official McCain TV ad.
By now, "Joe the Plumber" is a household name and has become a symbol of Barack Obama's plan to "spread the wealth around." During a recent campaign event in Toledo, Ohio, "Joe the Plumber" asked a simple question and got a surprising answer from the Democratic nominee. When he asked why Barack Obama's tax plan was going to punish him for working hard and living the American Dream, Barack Obama responded, "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
In that brief exchange, the American people got to see what this campaign is all about ... a choice between honoring the hard work of everyday Americans like "Joe the Plumber" and increasing taxes to "spread the wealth." In these tough economic times, there is no doubt that John McCain and Sarah Palin stand firmly on the side of hardworking "everyday Joes" who understand the value of honest work and the American Dream.
That's why we want to hear from you and share your story with the American public. It's simple ... make an ad telling us why you are "Joe the Plumber" in 30 seconds and we'll put the best ad on the air as a TV ad.
Share your story of living the American Dream, working hard, or owning a small business to tell America why you're standing with John McCain and Sarah Palin. Click here today to learn more and submit your video before Friday, October 24th.
Then help us spread the word about this exciting opportunity - tell your friends to visit JohnMcCain.com/Joe to submit their own video and share their story.
La squadra McCain/Palin ha appena inviato una e-mail ai propri sostenitori per annunciare l'organizzazione di un concorso video dal titolo: In che modo sei anche tu Joe l'idraulico? Gli elettori repubblicani sono invitati a girare un video di 30 secondi per raccontare come anche loro si sentano un po' come Joe, in sostanza l'americano medio preoccupato dalla svolta socialista che l'elezione di Barack Obama alla Presidenza comporterebbe.
Questo il testo integrale della e-mail repubblicana. Il vincitore del concorso avra' l'onore di diventare uno spot televisivo ufficiale.
How are you "Joe the Plumber"?
Tell us in 30 seconds...
We want you to tell us how you are "Joe the Plumber" and why you're supporting John McCain and Sarah Palin in thirty seconds. You could even see your video as an official McCain TV ad.
By now, "Joe the Plumber" is a household name and has become a symbol of Barack Obama's plan to "spread the wealth around." During a recent campaign event in Toledo, Ohio, "Joe the Plumber" asked a simple question and got a surprising answer from the Democratic nominee. When he asked why Barack Obama's tax plan was going to punish him for working hard and living the American Dream, Barack Obama responded, "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
In that brief exchange, the American people got to see what this campaign is all about ... a choice between honoring the hard work of everyday Americans like "Joe the Plumber" and increasing taxes to "spread the wealth." In these tough economic times, there is no doubt that John McCain and Sarah Palin stand firmly on the side of hardworking "everyday Joes" who understand the value of honest work and the American Dream.
That's why we want to hear from you and share your story with the American public. It's simple ... make an ad telling us why you are "Joe the Plumber" in 30 seconds and we'll put the best ad on the air as a TV ad.
Share your story of living the American Dream, working hard, or owning a small business to tell America why you're standing with John McCain and Sarah Palin. Click here today to learn more and submit your video before Friday, October 24th.
Then help us spread the word about this exciting opportunity - tell your friends to visit JohnMcCain.com/Joe to submit their own video and share their story.
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